How to connect XML feed for your e-commerce store from Fastcentrik?

One of the three basic conditions for advertising in Tanganica is your product feed. Our internal system even optimizes it after download so that we can work together to achieve the best results. It is therefore another advantage that Tanganica can provide you with.

Let's first imagine what such an XML feed is. We can imagine a feed as a long code that contains all the information about your products (name, price, availability,...), it is automatically updated and the advertising systems pull the necessary information from it.If you don't know where to generate it and where to upload it, continue reading. We have prepared quick guides for you on how to generate the feed of the three largest e-shop solutions in the Czech Republic!In the Tanganica application, you can find the window for inserting the XML feed in the menu both in the Setup Wizard and in the Collaboration Settings.

For FastCentrik you just need to:

→ go to settings

→ tool settings

→ in the xml feeds tab you just need to select the one that is for Google

→ copy the URL into the corresponding window in Tanganica
