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What is social proof and how to use it for your online store?


In an online world where customers don't have the opportunity to see products in person or consult with a salesperson, trust plays a key role. One of the most effective ways to gain customer trust is by using a concept called social proof. Social proof is a psychological phenomenon in which people observe the behaviour of others and make their own decisions based on it. In an e-commerce environment, this concept helps customers feel more confident in their decisions and increases the likelihood of making a purchase. In this article, we will explain what social proof is and how to implement it effectively in an online store.

What is social proof?

Social proof is any evidence or recommendation that shows that other people have purchased your product or service and were satisfied with it. The most common examples of social proof are:

  1. Customer reviews and ratings
  2. Recommendations from experts or influencers
  3. Case studies and success stories
  4. Number of customers and sales made
  5. Social media and viral content

The basis of this principle comes from the human tendency to believe what others recommend. When we see that something is praised by many people or recommended by experts, we believe that the product or service is of high quality and worth investing in.

Types of social proof and how to use it for your online store

There are lots of different types of social proof that can be implemented into your online store Here are the most effective ones:

1. Customer reviews and ratings

Reviews and ratings are among the most powerful forms of social proof. Customers very often trust feedback from other buyers more than official product descriptions from the seller themselves. Research and charts show that up to 88% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from loved ones.

How to use them:

  • Make sure there is a visible customer reviews section on every product page.
  • Motivate customers to leave a rating and review after purchase. For example, offer them a discount on their next purchase or another good deal.
  • It's important to show negative reviews too - even if they are critical, they are more credible than just positive feedback.

2. Recommendations from experts or influencers

If your product is recommended by a well-known personality or an expert in the field, it will significantly boost customer trust. People trust those they know and respect, and often see their recommendations as crucial.

How to use them:

  • Partner with influencers on social media who are relevant to your industry. They can write about your products or share them with their audience.
  • Ask experts to test your product and post their recommendations. If your product gets the approval of professionals, it will add weight to your brand.

3. Certification and professional approval

Obtaining certifications and professional approvals is also linked to the evaluation by experts. Professional certifications or quality labels can assure customers of the safety, efficacy and quality of your product.

How to use them:

  • Displaying certifications and awards on your product page increases credibility.
  • If you have an endorsement from a reputable organisation (e.g., organic certification), make it visible.

4. Number of sales or number of customers

Displaying the number of customers or sales can act as a strong signal that your product is in demand, popular and verified. Again, people tend to believe that a product is of good quality if many people buy it.

How to use them:

  • For best-selling products, it's a good idea to display how many units have already been sold to underscore the popularity of the product.
  • An interesting element on the page can be a counter showing the current number of customers, subscribers or perhaps the number of people viewing the product.

5. Case studies and success stories

Sharing specific success stories or case studies is another effective way to convince customers that your product really works and is worth trying. This way, potential buyers can see the actual results that have been achieved with your product.

How to use them:

  • Create a section on your online store dedicated solely to success stories and case studies where you show how your product has helped people achieve their goals.
  • Give specific details - what the customer's problem was, how your product helped, and what the results were.

6. Social media and viral content

Social media is now an integral part of building social proof. By sharing positive reviews, user photos or videos on various platforms, customers can promote your products organically. When content goes viral, it attracts the attention of a wide audience.

How to use it:

  • Encourage customers to share their product experiences on social media. You can offer them various incentive offers, such as discounts or contests.
  • But don't forget to create your own viral content, for example in the form of short videos or posts that have the potential to engage and be shared further.


Social proof is an invaluable tool for building trust with your customers and increasing sales. Whether you use reviews, testimonials or other forms of social proof, they can all help you significantly boost your online store and sales. Properly implementing social proof will help customers make the decision to purchase your product.

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