E-commerce analytics

Get a complete overview of your store performance

In Tanganica.com you can find all the statistics in real time, so you can start evaluating immediately without having to look at Google Analytics or similar tools.

Simple and valuable analytics
that you will understand.

Is Google Analytics too confusing for you? Easily get a real-time overview
of your e-commerce performance right in Tanganica.com.

Campaign performance statistics

Find out which advertising format brings the most customers to your store.
With assisted revenue, you can see how the ad format is helping you overall.

Overview of orders and their sources

A list of your orders and their marketing sources.
Analyse the customer journey and find out where your best orders are coming from.

Top selling products and categories

You can easily see your best-sellers.
Analyse which product category has the biggest share of your sales.

Overview of traffic and competitive metrics

Analyse individual traffic sources and get an overview of their quality.
Use competitive metrics to benchmark your numbers against the market.

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