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What are the trends in UX design for online stores in 2024?


UX (User Experience), or user experience, is becoming an increasingly important element in the online world. It combines many areas such as technology, design and psychology to give users the best possible experience. The year 2024 is marked by new challenges and trends for UX, which will greatly influence how people use digital products. Let's take a look together at the trends that are shaping and will shape UX design in 2024.

1. Artificial intelligence and personalisation

Artificial intelligence and AI assistants are playing an increasingly important role in the development of UX. Personalisation based on user behaviour and interaction prediction are proving to be useful tools for improving the overall user experience. People appreciate it if they can try on virtual mirrors and see how they look in terms of, for example, glasses, clothes or make-up. However, there is also a data protection issue related to these services that needs to be taken into account to ensure user security.

2. Design for All: Inclusion and Accessibility

Modern UX should be designed to be usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. This means taking into account features such as hidden subtitles, alternative text, the ability to adjust font size or add voice control. The designers aim to ensure that people can easily access all digital products.

3. Seamless transition across platforms

Today's standard is to use a variety of devices such as tablets, mobile phones, desktop computers or smartwatches. That's why it's important that UX focuses on providing a consistent and seamless transition across all platforms. Responsive design is now a fundamental that people expect and, more importantly, demand.

4. Interactive animations and micro-interactions

So-called interactive animations and microinteractions can also improve the user experience. These are small visual cues, such as a button changing colour when the mouse is hovered over or a loading animation. The aim of these elements is to give the website a more lively appearance and make it easier for users to navigate and perform actions with greater intuitiveness.

5. Augmented and virtual reality

The integration of AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) brings new possibilities and opportunities to the world of digital products. Although these technologies are still at an early stage and are very expensive, they allow users to have many unforgettable experiences. AR, as the name suggests, allows the real world to be enriched with digital elements, while VR creates a completely virtual environment. These technologies can be an excellent tool for innovative UX design that tells a brand story or presents a product in an engaging way.

6. Minimalism

The year 2024 is marked by minimalism and simplicity when it comes to UX design. A clean and uncluttered design ensures the user has the space to focus only on the essential information. And as the saying goes "less is sometimes more", this is doubly true with UX design.

7. Dark Mode

Increasingly popular with users, dark mode helps reduce eyestrain and conserve battery life. Users like this mode not only for the practical benefits it offers, but also for its modern and stylish look. In the future, it is expected that dark mode will become a common standard for most websites and apps.

8. Typography as a key element

Typography is a key element in which many brands invest and invest significant resources. They create their own original fonts to represent them and express their identity. People easily associate a unique font with a particular brand, which helps them visually differentiate themselves from the competition. The right typography can also influence how a brand is perceived. Therefore, investing in typography is not just limited to aesthetics, but also functionality and communication with customers. The details of typography can reinforce customer trust and loyalty.


The year 2024 brings many exciting possibilities to the world of UX, combining technological innovation, user-friendliness and creative design. Designers will need to stay on top of current and rapidly changing trends, because UX is about creating intuitive, engaging experiences that positively impact the brand and the user.

Think about the trends we've looked at together and your website or app can really shine in 2024.

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