Why is image optimization important for online store loading speed?

Every second counts when loading an online store. Customers coming to your website expect the page to load instantly - any delay can make them leave. One of the main factors affecting loading speed is the size and quality of images. To ensure a smooth and fast user experience, it's essential to optimise images. In this article, we'll explain why image optimization is so important, how it affects your online store speed, and what practices will help you get the best results.
Why is online store loading speed important?
Every second of delay in page loading can significantly affect your conversion rate. Studies show that users lose interest if a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load. In e-commerce, where competition is high, slow loading times can mean lost customers and lower sales. In addition, page loading speed also affects SEO - search engines like Google favour faster pages, meaning that a faster online store has a higher chance of ranking at the top of search results.
How do images affect loading speed?
Images form a significant part of the content of every online store - product photos, banners, graphic elements, etc. Unfortunately, they can also make up the largest part of the data that is downloaded when a page loads. Unoptimized images can be several MB in size, which significantly slows down the entire site. The page loading speed depends on the size of these files and also on the way the images are loaded. For this reason, it is important to optimise the images to keep them as small as possible while maintaining the necessary quality.
What techniques to use to optimise images?
There are a few basic techniques for optimising images that can greatly improve the loading speed of your online store.
- Compression formats and image quality: by using modern formats such as WebP, which provide high-quality images at a smaller file size, it can reduce image size by up to 30% compared to traditional formats such as JPEG or PNG. It is therefore worth checking the quality of your images and adjusting the compression to a level that is still visually high quality but takes up less data.
- Lazy Loading: this technique means that images are only loaded when they are in the user's field of view. This makes the page load faster and frees up capacity for elements that the user can see immediately.
- Correct image size: on mobile devices or tablets, there is no need for as high a resolution as on a desktop. Therefore, you can use a technique that displays different image sizes depending on the device.
- Use a CDN: A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a service that provides data from different servers around the world, which means that images and other content are loaded from the geographically closest server, reducing page load time
Impact of optimization on SEO and user experience
Image optimization has a direct impact not only on loading speed, but also on SEO values and overall user experience. A fast-loading online store gives a positive first impression and increases the chances of customers staying on the page and completing their purchase. From an SEO perspective, page speed is one of the factors Google takes into account when ranking websites. Faster sites have a better chance of ranking better in search results.
Image optimization has a major impact on the loading speed of an online store and the overall user experience. In this day and age where customers expect instant site response, a fast online store can significantly increase the chances of them staying and successfully completing their purchase. By utilising the proper methods, such as proper compression and lazy loading, you will reduce load times and enhance the appeal of your online store. The result is a competitive website that will satisfy the demanding requirements of modern users and support the growth of your business.