240 000 € of revenue that e-commerce stores earned thanks to Tanganica.com in a few clicks


It's February, freezing cold. It's snowing outside the windows, and Mr. Tomas is sitting warm at his computer. Registers his e-commerce store in the Tanganica app. He wants to increase the turnover of its functioning furniture store. Within a few clicks and a few minutes, everything is set up. He turns on campaigns. Already within a few days they see the first results in the application in a clear report. Tanganica.com is starting to generate revenue for him, and he has not yet paid a penny for the service. The first month free, he recalls.

Why did Tomas decide to use Tanganica.com?

As part of the marketing mix, Mr. Tomáš also uses other advertising channels that generate revenue for him. From online merchandise comparators to the first attempts at self-advertisements. But Tomas is now in a situation where he cannot afford to pay expensive marketing specialists to help him increase sales. That's why he decided on a simple and effective solution to run ads. He decided to take advantage of Tanganica.com, which offers him the services of professional specialists in a simple application for a fraction of the price.

Tomas has been running ads with us in Tanganica.com for more than half a year. During the entire cooperation period, we helped his store to bring in extra sales worth more than 240 000 EUR, thanks to a few clicks that Tomas made at the beginning. Tanganica.com now generates more than 35% of all sales of Tomas's e-shop and together we continue to grow. We strive to make our partnership more than sales, which is why Tomas regularly communicates with us. Together, we are trying to find a solution to offer customers a great service, so that they also return to it with satisfaction.

A case study on how a start-up furniture store kick-started its online business with Tanganica.com


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