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What is the first credit to the Tanganica app?

Would you like to try the Tanganica app, but don't know how many crowns is ideal to top up for the first month? This question usually comes to everyone's mind, despite the recommendations directly in the app. So let's discuss this topic together.

What do the numbers say?

We ourselves were interested to see how much our most successful e-shops topped up for their very first month. So we evaluated the numbers of the e-shops in Tanganyika and found that their first month's top-up was on average CZK 11,400.So you can choose a lower amount for your very first top-up, but you have to maintain the continuity of your campaigns. So turn on your credit drop alerts and don't let your campaigns shut down. Especially in the first period.


This is because with campaign continuity, they do not lose data and therefore reach an optimal phase where they deliver maximum performance. And because the credit is automatically drawn from the wallet, sooner or later you will reach the ideal amount for topping up.We have also found that the longer an e-shop works with us, the better the results. We have written a case study on this topic. You can read it by clicking on the button.

What does Google advise?

We know from our advisors directly at Google that to reach the optimal stage of campaigns, you need at least 30 orders in the last 30 days. And that's the stage every e-commerce store should get to. So you can also choose this tactic to calculate the ideal recharge amount.Do you know what the marketing cost per order is? Multiply that by thirty and top up the app by that amount (or ideally a little higher - new campaigns need more data). The amount should last you long enough for your campaigns to be optimized and deliver the results you want.

What applies to the app?

Automated algorithms are also based on the amount of credit you top up. If you want to top up by thousands of crowns, the app will recognise that it has used up half of the top-up credit, for example, and will throttle the campaign to make the credit last as long as possible. So don't be afraid to top up more, your campaigns will be more successful and the app can deliver better results faster.

So what is the conclusion?

If it's just a little bit within your means, stick to what the most successful e-shops in Tanganyika are doing. For your first credit, top up at least 10 000 Kč and keep an eye on the situation. Most likely, the credit will last you for the whole first period, at the end of which you and your Tanganica colleagues will evaluate the development of your cooperation together.‍

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