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6 reasons why it is important to regularly test the UX of your online store


At first glance, any online store may appear functional, uncluttered and attractive, but if it's not regularly tested from a user experience (UX) perspective, you may be losing customers without even knowing it. UX plays a key role in how customers perceive your online store, from the first contact to the actual purchase or other significant interaction. Let's take a look together at why regular UX testing is crucial and how it can significantly improve the performance of your online store.

Here are a few reasons:

1. Customers expect a seamless experience

Today's internet and smart device users are more demanding than ever. They expect a fast, intuitive and, most importantly, enjoyable process that takes them to the very destination they came to your online store for. This could be an easy product search, price comparison or completing a purchase, for example. This means that any delays, problematic forms or unclear interfaces can easily deter them from completing their goal. If your online store's UX isn't working properly, there's a good chance the customer will turn to a competitor where their shopping process will be more convenient.

2. Increase conversions and decrease abandonment rates

Regular UX testing can uncover obstacles customers face along their journey that deter them from completing a purchase. This could be due to, for example, a very complex purchase process, unclear information or unnecessarily long forms to fill out. By eliminating these issues, you can significantly contribute to increased conversion and reduced site and cart abandonment rates.

3. Maintaining relationships with regular customers

The relationship with your customers doesn't end after their first purchase on your online store, which is why it's so important to make your customers feel comfortable on your online store. It is imperative to provide customers with a seamless shopping process that increases the chances of them coming back to you. By regularly testing the UX and improving it, it not only builds loyalty with your existing customers, but also gives new customers a reason to order from you rather than your competitors.

4. Adapting to change

Trends and customer expectations change over time, and your online store needs to adapt to that. What was effective a year ago may not be effective today. If you don't regularly test the user experience, you run the risk of your online store not matching the current needs of your customers. UX testing is the key to responding flexibly and quickly to these changes to maintain your competitive advantage.

5. Reduce customer support costs

A poorly designed online store only causes trouble for customers. If a customer can't find what they're looking for on your online store, or doesn't know how to complete an order, or is confused about shipping and payment options, they're likely to turn to customer support. In the worst case, they will leave the online shop, and we don't want that. An increase in requests and inquiries to customer support leads to higher costs in time and money as we address issues that could have been prevented by improving the user experience. When the UX is set up well, customers have no reason to contact support, which leads to lower costs of running an online store.

6. Early detection of problems

UX testing doesn't just mean extensive redesigns and changes. Regular monitoring can help you track customer behavior and detect minor issues before they become serious. These can be technical issues, such as broken links or buttons, or design elements that no longer perform their function. If you address the issues on an ongoing basis, this keeps your online store functional and in great shape.


The UX of your online store is not a one-off project, but a dynamic process that requires constant attention and regular testing. Your customers, market and technology are changing and you need to keep up with and adapt to these changes. A quality user experience can make the difference between a customer choosing your online shop or turning to your competitors.

Don't underestimate the power of UX and test regularly to improve your conversions, retain existing customers and increase the efficiency of your online store.

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