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Why does the Tanganica Pixel measure something different than my GA4?

After switching from shared Google Analytics Universal to custom measurements using Tanganica Pixel, we see occasional differences between what stats Tanganica Pixel gets and what your Google Analytics 4 or your store's interface gets.

We understand that this finding is not pleasant, and we know that questions will arise as to the reason for these deviations. So let's go through a few reasons why this might have happened:

  • Tanganica Pixel measures the value of the order without VAT, shipping costs and other charges
  • different attribution model - Tanganica uses Last Click but GA4 use DataDriven (data-based)
  • different cookie bar settings and consent to measurement
  • your cookie bar does not let enough data through
  • your store does not have a properly setup Tanganica Pixel
  • you have a missing or incomplete DataLayer in your store
  • you have wrongly marked events (purchase, conversion, order, ... )...

Therefore, if you notice a situation in the case of your application in the statistics and those you see within your e-shop resolution or Google Analytics 4, please contact us and we will continue to solve it so that the data matches as much as possible and you can trust the application still.

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